Saturday, September 11, 2010

Jobs all around!

God is our provider. He knows when people need employment, and listens to the prayers of His people. One man recently prayed for a young girl to obtain a particular position. Not surprisingly, she got the job. Another member of our church recently gave up his job as an interstate truck driver, with no other job lined up. With a wife and two young girls to provide for, it was imperative that he find something else straight away. Within days he was offered (and accepted) a job that he hadn't even applied for, yet was perfect for his needs.

One lady was seeking work after many years of being unemployed. She too found a job that perfectly matched her needs. However, she was worried that the intensive training would be difficult to handle, particularly as she has a history of depression and was concerned that the training would leave her tired and feeling low after each day of work. So she prayed against these feelings and instead came home each day with enthusiasm and energy to spare! Not only that, she was able to ward off the illnesses that were affecting the majority of people in her training group by asking for, and believing in, the power of prayer.

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